The official journal of
EUROPAD - European Opiate Addiction Treatment Association
WFTOD - World Federation for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence
Editor: Icro Maremmani, MD - Pisa, Italy, EU
Associate Editors:
Thomas Clausen, MD - Oslo, Norway
Pier Paolo Pani, MD - Cagliari, Italy, EU
Marta Torrens, MD - Barcelona, Spain, EU
Statistical Editor:
Mario Miccoli, PhD - Pisa, Italy, EU

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Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems: 2019, 21, N4 (pages: 41 - 44)

Additional Comments to Staub Et Al., “How to Develop and Implement an Exercise Programme in a Heroin-Assisted Treatment Setting”

Muller A.E., and Roessler K.K.

Summary: Staub et al. recently reported on participant involvement in the planning and evaluation of an exercise intervention for patients in heroin-assisted treatment. Very few exercise interventions among people with opioid or other substance use disorders report surveying potential participants about their actual interests and preferences beforehand, and even fewer follow up afterwards to ask about barriers to participation. Their article should be considered a best practice, and our commentary is intended as a supplement to situate their important contribution within more recent research.


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