The official journal of
EUROPAD - European Opiate Addiction Treatment Association
WFTOD - World Federation for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence
Editor: Icro Maremmani, MD - Pisa, Italy, EU
Associate Editors:
Thomas Clausen, MD - Oslo, Norway
Pier Paolo Pani, MD - Cagliari, Italy, EU
Marta Torrens, MD - Barcelona, Spain, EU
Statistical Editor:
Mario Miccoli, PhD - Pisa, Italy, EU

HARCP Archives

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Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems: 2002, 04, 3 (pages: 21 - 25)

The renaissance of methadone treatment in America

Parrino M. W.

Summary: The renaissance, or revitalization, of methadone treatment services in America is driven by new accreditation standards, as promulgated by the Centre for Substance Abuse treatment, the primary oversight federal agency for methadone treatment services in the United States. This project will take years to develop and a reasonable starting point is the accreditation oversight system. While accreditation is not expected to be the answer to all critical problems in methadone treatment, it will provide the ability to enhance quality of care as patients get access to a more consistent level of services.


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