The official journal of
EUROPAD - European Opiate Addiction Treatment Association
WFTOD - World Federation for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence
Editor: Icro Maremmani, MD - Pisa, Italy, EU
Associate Editors:
Thomas Clausen, MD - Oslo, Norway
Pier Paolo Pani, MD - Cagliari, Italy, EU
Marta Torrens, MD - Barcelona, Spain, EU
Statistical Editor:
Mario Miccoli, PhD - Pisa, Italy, EU

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2003 Issues


Vol. 05 • Na. 1 • April 2003

In this issue:

  • The impact of methadone substitution therapy (MST) on illicit drug use and drug abused-related quality of life: A European Study
    Ghodse H., Clancy C., Oyefeso A., Rosinger C., Finkbeiner T., Schifano F., Forza G., Sommer B., Nielson K. R., Schodt J., Wieviorka S., Gionnet C., O'connor J., Tidone L., Riglietta M., Lopes I., Torrens M., San L., Montes M., Copez C. R.
  • When “enough” is still not “enough”. Effectiveness of high-dose methadone in the treatment of heroin addiction
    Maremmani I., Pacini M., Lubrano S., Lovrecic M.
  • The impact of continuing terror and stress on the use of psychoactive drugs in Israel
    Arieli M., Greenspoon A., Glaser J., Blackman S., Kahan N.
  • Reduction in self-reported nicotine dependence after stabilization in methadone maintenance treatment
    Okruhlica L., Devinsky F., Klempova D., Valentova J.
  • Liver cytochrome overexpression in human HCV infection
    De Bernardis E., Busà L.



Vol. 05 • Na. 2 • August 2003

In this issue:

  • Dual diagnosis heroin addicts. The clinical and therapeutic aspects
    Maremmani I., Pacini M., Lubrano S., Lovrecic M., Perugi G.



Vol. 05 • Na. 3 • December 2003

In this issue:

  • Understanding the pathogenesis of drug addiction in order to implement a correct pharmacological intervention
    Maremmani I., Pacini M.
  • Structured motivational interventions in methadone maintenance treatment
    Kantchelov A., Vassilev G.
  • Psychiatric severity and treatment response in methadone maintenance treatment programmes: New evidence
    Pani P. P., Trogu E., Carboni G., Palla P., Loi A.
  • Treatment of prisoners addicted to prohibited drugs in institutions for criminal law sanctions in Maribor, Slovenia
    Pisec A.
  • Clinical picture and treatment of psycho-organic syndrome in drug addicts
    Kozlov A. A., Rokhlina M. L., Tchistyakova L. A., Dvorina L. D.



EUROPAD - European Opiate Addiction Treatment Association
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