The official journal of
EUROPAD - European Opiate Addiction Treatment Association
WFTOD - World Federation for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence
Editor: Icro Maremmani, MD - Pisa, Italy, EU
Associate Editors:
Thomas Clausen, MD - Oslo, Norway
Pier Paolo Pani, MD - Cagliari, Italy, EU
Marta Torrens, MD - Barcelona, Spain, EU
Statistical Editor:
Mario Miccoli, PhD - Pisa, Italy, EU

HARCP Archives

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2014 Issues


Vol. 16 • Na. 1 • March 2014

In this issue:

  • Addiction as an extended form of brain disease: heroin-free clinical pictures in the history of addiction. Towards the concept of masked heroin addiction
    Maremmani I., and Pacini M.
  • Effect of Methadone Maintenance Therapy (MMT) on serum leptin and lipid profile and anthropometric parameters in opioid addicts
    Montazerifar F., Karajibani M., Lashkaripour K., and Yosefi M.
  • Heroin maintenance treatment and immunity: a 12 months follow-up study
    Broers B., Roux-Lombard P., Becciolini-Lebas E., Curchod-Fernandez C., and Mino A.
  • Illicit use and diversion of buprenorphine/naloxone among patients in buprenorphine/naloxone maintenance treatment in Istanbul/Turkey
    Evren C., Bozkurt M., Cetin T., and Evren B.
  • Requests for quetiapine from jailed substance abusers: are they a form of abuse or self-medication in response to long-term opioid dysphoria?
    Pacini M., Santucci B., and Maremmani I.
  • Prevalence of HCV infection and adherence to DOT therapy in Italian and non-Italian iv drug users in Rome, Italy
    Nosotti L., Fagetti R., Rocchi L., Khoperia M., Mirisola M.C., Testa R., and Leonardi C.
  • How to treat the treatment system
    Reisinger M.
  • Does a buprenorphine augmentation control manic symptoms in bipolar disorder with a past history of heroin addiction? A case report.
    Bizzarri J., V., Conca A., and Maremmani I.
  • Case note review – Transfer of patient to buprenorphine from daily doses of methadone greater than 30mg.
    Hill D., and Conroy S.
  • Can the buprenorphine-naloxone association outperform buprenorphine alone?
    de Bernardis E., and Busà L.
  • The probable impact of the global financial and economic crisis on medical addiction treatment
    Lovrecic M., and Lovrecic B.



Vol. 16 • Na. 2 • June 2014

In this issue:

  • Breastfeeding may protect against heroin addiction
    Akpinar A., Yalniz H., Gecici O., and Guven M.
  • Defining a new approach to measuring outcomes in opioid dependence management:
    Alho H., Littlewood R., and Maremmani I.
  • A survey of patients on methadone programmes in Wheatfield Prison, Dublin, Ireland.
    Galander T., Rosalim J., Betts-Symonds G., and Scully M.
  • Benzodiazepine use in a Methadone Maintained Opiate Dependent Cohort in Ireland
    Gilroy D., O'Brien S., Barry J., Ivers J.-H., Whiston L., Keenan E., and Darker C.
  • Buprenorphine/ Buprenorphine-naloxone treatment in opioid dependence and risk of peripheral oedema: Mini-review
    Soyka M.
  • Alcohol use disorder and past heroin addiction. A successfully treated ‘masked heroinism' patient
    Maremmani A.G.I., Quaranta G., Bacciardi S., Rovai L., Rugani F., Pacini M., Nisita C., and Maremmani I.
  • American Association for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence (AATOD) Guidelines for Guest Medication
    Parrino M.
  • Case report: Pregnancy and birth under Heroin-assisted Treatment (HAT)
    Groh A., Urlichs F., Hillemacher T., Bleich S., and Heberlein A.
  • Drug dreams as a signal of drug craving persistence in time
    Colace C.



Vol. 16 • Na. 3 • September 2014

In this issue:

  • Preventing opioid overdoses: is the first still the best? should we go back to the origins?
    Maremmani I., and Maremmani A.G.I.
  • Substance abuse in Romania. A clinical medical-legal perspective
    Dermengiu D., Sorin H., Radu D., Aciu F., Astarastoae V., Ioan B., Constantinescu G., Enache A., Ciocan V., Talos I., Gorun G., and Curca G.C.
  • The role of opioid system in Eating Disorders. Perspectives for new treatment strategies.
    Rovai L., Maremmani A.G.I., Bacciardi S., Rugani F., Massimetti E., Gazzarrini D., Pacini M., Dell'Osso L., and Maremmani I.
  • Comparing emotional clarity, emotion experience, and emotion regulation in persons with heroin addiction with and without physical withdrawal
    Xin Z., Lu X., Li F., Renlai Z., Ge J., Ling Y., and Yueyue C.
  • Why do heroin users refuse to participate in a heroin-assisted treatment trial?
    Demaret I., Litran G., Magoga C., Deblire C., Dupont A., De Roubaix J., Lemaître A., and Ansseau M.
  • Sexual dysfunction in male patients receiving methadone and buprenorphine maintenance treatment in Iran
    Tafreshian S., Javadi M., Fakhraei F., and Seddigheh Fatemi S.
  • Outcomes of clonazepam maintained benzodiazepine-heroin addicted patients during methadone maintenance: A descriptive case series
    Maremmani A.G.I., Bacciardi S., Rugani F., Rovai L., Massimetti E., Gazzarrini D., Dell'Osso L., Pani P.P., Pacini M., and Maremmani I.
  • Gender differences in severity of addiction in opiate-dependent outpatients.
    Mezzatesta-Gava M., Roncero C., Rodriguez-Cintas L., Fuste G., Barral-Picado C., Martinez-Luna N., Casas M., and Miquel L.
  • Limbic system irritability and drug dreams in heroin-addicted patients
    Colace C., Belsanti S., and Antermite A.
  • Induction and Switch to Buprenorphine-Naloxone in opioid dependence treatment: Predictive Value of the First Four Weeks
    Apelt S.M., Scherbaum N., and Soyka M.
  • Using oral or i/m morphine for rapid tolerance assessment in patients starting methadone maintenance: a proposal for discussion based on over 25 years of experience
    Brewer C.
  • 30 Years of Naloxone. The Experience of Villa Maraini Foundation
    Barra M., and Lelli V.



Vol. 16 • Na. 4 • December 2014

In this issue:

  • Evaluation of the Quality of Life in 171 patients under Methadone Maintenance Treatment and in 46 benzodiazepine mono-dependent patients.
    Lugoboni F., Carli S., Bissoli G., Musi G., Florio E., Civitelli G., Brizio M., Smacchia C., Biasin C., Cifelli G., Manzato G., Rosa S., and Manzato E.
  • Is it possible to treat heroin addicts with severe comorbid benzodiazepines addiction combining enhanced methadone maintenance and clonazepam maintenance treatments?
    Maremmani A.G.I., Bacciardi S., Rugani F., Rovai L., Massimetti E., Gazzarrini D., Dell'Osso L., Pani P.P., Pacini M., and Maremmani I.
  • Health-related quality of life of patients on opiate replacement therapy
    McLaughlin J., Surah S., Synnott C., Adams R., Walsh C., O'Dea S., Noone S., Keenan E., Keating S., Barry M., Bergin C., Mulcahy F., and Lyons F.
  • Meeting Report: Guidelines in the treatment of opiate addiction, a review and recommendations
    Alho H., Fischer G., Torrens M., Maremmani I., Ali R., and Clark N.
  • Dietary intakes of opiate abusers before and during Methadone Maintenance Treatment
    Montazerifar F., Karajibani M., Lashkaripour K., Dorzadeh H., yosefi M., and Dashipour A.-R.
  • Motor impulsivity discriminated relapsed male heroin dependents from those who were still in buprenorphine maintenance treatment at the 12-month follow-up
    Evren C., Yilmaz A., Bozkurt M., Can Y., Umut G., and Evren B.
  • Evaluation and cost analysis in two groups of patients who had been randomized for toxicological monitoring
    Stella L., Guida F., Nava E., Romano A., Pisanti F., Aprea E., Scala G., Crinisio A., Alfieri A., Coppola O., Leone A., and de Novellis V.
  • Deleterious effects of benzodiazepine abuse among Methadone Maintenance Treatment patients
    Peles E., Schreiber S., and Adelson M.
  • Increasing importance of measuring outcomes in opioid dependence care: what matters now and in the future?
    Maremmani I., Hill D., Gilman M., and Littlewood R.



EUROPAD - European Opiate Addiction Treatment Association
Brussels, Belgium, EU
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Tel/Phone: 0584 - 790073 - Email: info@heroinaddictionrelatedclinicalproblems.org
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