Vol. 18 • Na. 1 • February 2016
In this issue:
Is Detoxification Still Being Proposed as the Only Form of Treatment for Opioid Dependence? Opioid Analgesic Dependence as a Case Study
Maremmani I.
Addictive Behaviours in Heroin Use Disorder Patients. Correlation with Heroin-Craving Patients' Self-Evaluation
Maremmani A.G.I., Rovai L., Bacciardi S., Bertoni S., Massimetti E., Gazzarrini D., Rugani F., Pallucchini A., and Maremmani I.
Patients' Quality of Life (Qol) and Medication Misuse and Diversion During Suboxone Maintenance in Italy. A National Opinion Leaders' Interview-Based Survey
Leonardi C., Mariani F., Salvadori S., and the Italian Multi-QoL-MiD Group
Attachment Style, Self Esteem and Anxiety as Factors for Opiate Addiction
Bonevski D., Ignjatova L., and Naumovska A.
Analysis of Patient Data on Admission to Treatment in Nhs Lanarkshire Addiction Services
Hill D.
How to Improve a Poorly Running Opiate Substitution Therapy. Part 1: how Effective Are We?
Ulmer A.
Vol. 18 • Na. 2 • April 2016
In this issue:
Relationships between addictive behaviours and dual disorders, as found in heroin use disorder patients at treatment entry
Maremmani A.G., Rovai L., Bacciardi S., Massimetti E., Gazzarrini D., Pallucchini A., Pani P.P., and Maremmani I.
Parental bonding in substance and alcohol abusers
Segura-Garcia C., Rania M., Aloi M., Palmieri A., Pellegrino A., Manfrida A., Montesano F., Grande B., De Fazio S., and De Fazio P.
Illicit and over-the-counter codeine dependence after acute back pain—successful treatment and ongoing recovery after buprenorphine/naloxone taper
Kean J.
High-Dose Methadone: management of an opioid-addicted patient
Dilaghi A., Occupati B., Lapucci A., Masini E., and Mannaioni G.
Safe storage of Methadone in the home: results from an Irish audit of service users and pharmacists.
Horan J.A., Gooney M., and Van Hout M.C.
Test-Retest Reliability and Descriptive Analyses of the Modified Important People and Activities (MIPA) Interview
Zywiak W.H., Stout R.L., Braciszewski J.M., Wray T.B., and Longabaugh R.
Vol. 18 • Na. 3 • June 2016
In this issue:
Improving agonist opioid treatment to reduce the risk of reinfection in HCV treatment
Maremmani I.
Effect of methadone maintenance treatment of opioid dependent fathers on mental health and perceived family functioning of their children
Hassanpour-Dehkordi A., Safavi P., Parvin N., and Mosayebi B.
The filing of addicts at addiction units is correlated with a reduction in mortality due to illicit opioids, but also to prescribed opioids and other substances of abuse
Lovrecic M., Lovrecic B., Selb Semerl J., Maremmani I., and Maremmani A.G.
Will non-compliant “hard-to-treat” opioid dependent patients profit from low threshold methadone treatment? A prospective 15-month evaluation of patients on Low Dosage Methadone treatment at Oslo University Hospital.
Henriksen K., Waal H., and Krajci P.
Study on users' perception of agonist opioid treatment in the Galician network of drug addiction
Carrera I., Sánchez L., Sabater E., Pereiro C., Flórez G., Conde M., Pino C., Serrano M., Casado M.Á., and TSO-GALICIA GROUP
Opioid misuse in the 30 days prior to entering Agonist Opioid Treatment in four European Countries. A pilot study
Maremmani I., Somaini L., Deruvo G., Maremmani A.G.I., Touzeau D., Walcher S., Fonseca F., Bacciardi S., Guareschi M., Green J.L., McBride K., and Dart R.C.
Pentedrone induced acute psychosis at patient with opioid addiction: a case report
Segrec N., Kastelic A., and Pregelj P.
Vol. 18 • Na. N3s1 • June 2016
In this issue:
Vol. 18 • Na. N4 • August 2016
In this issue:
Illicit Drugs and Others Substances Used by Young Athletes between Ages of 10 and 25
Gabrovec B.
Audit of Admission Urines in Two Scottish Prisons in Prisoners Self-Reporting Opiate Misuse
Campbell G.
Possible Trajectories of Addictions: The Role of Bipolar Spectrum
Maremmani A.G.I., Pacini M., Pani P.P., Ceccanti M., Bacciardi S., Akiskal H.S., and Maremmani I.
Acute Risk Factors in Fatal Opioid Overdoses as a Result of Hypoxia and Cardiotoxicity. A Systematic Review and Critical Appraisal.
Baldacchino A., Tolomeo S., Khan F., Humphris G., and Carra G.
General Practitioner Perspectives on and Attitudes toward the Methadone Treatment Programme in Ireland.
Delargy I., O'Shea M., Van Hout M.C., and Collins C.
Illicit Drug Related Suicide Mortality and Identification of Hidden Cases: Experience of Slovenia
Lovrečič M., Šelb J., Šelb K., and Lovrečič B.
Vol. 18 • Na. N4s1 • August 2016
In this issue:
Towards a Unified Perspective between Ptsd and Substance Use Disorders: Ptsd Spectrum as Part of a Specific Psychopathology of Substance Use Disorder
Maremmani A.G.I.
Relationship Linking Adhd Symptoms with Severe Dissociative Experiences and Ptsd Symptoms in a Sample of Inpatients with Alcohol Use Disorder
Evren C., Umut G., Alniak I., Carkci O., Karabulut V., Cetin T., Evren B., and Agachanli R.
Psychometric Properties of the Turkish Version of the National Stressful Events Survey for Ptsd-Short Scale in a Sample of Inpatients with Alcohol Use Disorder
Evren C., Dalbudak E., Umut G., Bozkurt M., Evren B., Agachanli R., and Teksin-Unal G.
Association between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Health Risk Behaviors Such as Smoking, Use of Alcohol and Substance Abuse in Adolescence
Raleva M., and Ignjatova L.
Clinical Syndromes, Complicated Grief and Substance Use Disorder
Masferrer L., Garre-Olmo J., and Caparros B.
Vol. 18 • Na. N5 • October 2016
In this issue:
Evaluating Methadone Maintenance Treatment. The Sant'arsenio Methadone Clinic, in the Vallo Di Diano Region (Italy), as Case Study
Mautone S., Maremmani A.G., Gazzarrini D., and Maremmani I.
How to Improve a Poorly Running Agonist Opioid Treatment. Part 2: trust
Ulmer A. and Meinhold C.
Pharmacotherapy for Methadone-Induced Erectile Dysfunction: A Meta-Analysis
Yee A., Loh H.S., Sulaiman A.H., and Ng C.G.
The Experience of Pregnancy, Childbirth and Motherhood of Drug Using Women
Mejak V. and Kastelic A.
Diagnosis of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: Substance Use During Pregnancy
Thomas J. and Wolff K.
Suicide among Heroin Addicts in Opioid Agonist Treatment in Slovenia: The Impact of Age at Cohort Treatment Entry and Gender on Suicide
Lovrečič M., Šelb J., Šelb K., and Lovrečič B.
Vol. 18 • Na. N6 • December 2016
In this issue:
Respiratory Health of Patients Receiving Opiate Substitution Treatment
Nelson P., Bartu A., Musk A.B., and Aboagye-Sarfo P.
Analgesic Plus Prayer Versus Analgesic Alone. Effect of Prayer on Intensity of Postoperative Pain, Anxiety and Physiological Indices in Surgical Patients. A Randomized Clinical Trial
Hasanpour Dehkordi A., Fatehi D., and Solati K.
Comparative Study on Sleep Quality and Disorders in Opiate and Methamphetamine Users
Khazaie H., Jalali A., Jozani Y., Moradi S., Heydarpour F., and Khaledi-Paveh B.
Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial of Auricular Acupuncture in Men with Schizophrenia and Co-Occurring Multisubstance Use Disorders
Gimelfarb Y., Goldstein E., Natan Z., Elwahidi S., Kaikov E., and Baruch Y.
Correlation between Duration of Treatment and Cortisol Plasma Level in Methadone-Maintained Patients
Ignjatova L., and Spasovska Trajanovska A.
Psychopathological Dimensions and Addictive Behaviours in Heroin Use Disorder Patients
Maremmani A.G.I., Rovai L., Bacciardi S., Massimetti E., Gazzarrini D., Pallucchini A., Rugani F., Pani P.P., and Maremmani I.
Heroin Addiction Patterns of Treatment-Seeking Patients, 1992-2013: Comparison between Pre- and Post-Drug Policy Reform in Portugal
Pombo S., and Félix da Costa N.